Click on the appropriate box to begin the application process.
Active CUNY Employees
For full-time and part-time faculty, HEOs, CLTs, and graduate assistant CUNY employees.
Active RF Employees
PSC-CUNY Research Foundation
For Research Foundation employees at the RF Central Office and field units at LaGuardia, City Tech and the Graduate Center.
PSC Retiree Chapter
For retirees from certain CUNY positions, including full-time and part-time faculty, HEOs, CLTs, and represented workers from the Research Foundation.
Full-Time Dues:
Members – 1.05% of total gross earnings
Part-Time Dues:
Members – 1% of total gross earnings
Retirees Dues:
Annual Dues from September to August (rates effective as of 9/1/2019)
Full-Time Positions: $85.00
Part-Time positions: $40.00
If you join between October and August, your dues will be pro-rated. Please call the PSC Membership Department at (212) 354-1252 for the dues amount.
Have you recently changed your address, phone, college, email, etc? In less than a minute, you can update your membership information by completing and submitting an online form, linked below:
- Active members: Click here to update your contact info with the PSC membership department (all members but retirees).
- Retiree members: Click here to update your contact info with the PSC membership department.
- Join the PSC: If you are not yet a member, click here to join the PSC.
PSC/CUNY COPE is the PSC’s Committee on Political Education—the political action arm of our union and part of the non-partisan VOTE COPE program supported by hundreds of thousands of union members from our state and national affiliates, NYSUT, and AFT. COPE contributions are voluntary and only PSC/CUNY members may contribute. To contribute to COPE, you MUST be either a citizen or permanent resident (green card holder) of the United States. There are several ways to give to VOTE COPE outlined below.
How to Contribute to PSC/CUNY COPE
- Active CUNY employees: Sign up for regular payroll deductions.
- Retirees and union-represented Research Foundation Employees: Make a one-time contribution. (Members can give these one-time payments as often as they want. The minimum contribution is $25.)
- One-time contributions can also be made by check.
- Make checks payable to PSC/CUNY COPE
- Mail checks to: Attn: Membership Department, Professional Staff Congress, 25 Broadway, 15th Fl., New York, NY 10004.
If you would prefer to have a membership application mailed to you, please complete this form, or call the PSC membership department at (212) 354-1252. You can also fill out a membership card by contacting your chapter chair.
For covered RF employees, agency fees are a required condition of employment. Click here to access the form to sign up for agency fee deduction. More information can be found in this Q&A.

Say YES to PSC membership!
We and our students benefit when we have a strong union that works in coalition with others. Only in this way can we ensure that the historic mission of CUNY is attainable for all New Yorkers.